180 Turning Lives Around

Give with Curchin in support of 180 Turning Lives Around

The Curchin Group is rallying donations for 180 Turning Lives Around as part of its charity spotlight series. 180 has long been doing crucial, wonderful work in our community; its ongoing efforts are even more important during these difficult times.

180 Turning Lives Around: Mission & Services

180 Turning Lives Around empowers survivors and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault to find the courage and strength to turn their lives around. 180 supports this mission through many services and programs.

  • 180’s Safe House provides a secure location for victims and their children fleeing family violence, where they can stay for 30-60 days and access counseling, case management and more.
  • Domestic Violence Response Teams work with municipal police departments to provide emotional support, valuable resources and critical information to victims following a domestic violence incident. 180 also provides domestic violence counseling and a domestic violence liaison program.
  • Sexual Violence Response Teams and counselors assist victims of sexual violence while they are in hospitals, police departments and court.
  • Amanda’s Easel Creative Art Therapies create a support system to help both children and their non-offending parents cope with the life changes precipitated by violence and abuse. The program provides art, play and music therapy that promotes healing through creative expression.

Additional services at 180 include the Family Court Liaison Program, Family Violence Option Program, prevention and professional training, culturally sensitive counseling for Spanish-speaking clients, and 24/7 toll-free hotlines for victims of domestic and sexual violence.


The story of 180 dates back to 1976, when the Women’s Resource and Survival Center was incorporated as the first federally funded shelter in the U.S. for abused women. The Center’s staff also immediately established the first rape hotline in Monmouth County, counseling 459 survivors in the first year.

In 2002, after more than two decades of evolving and expanding its services, the Women’s Center changed its name to 180 Turning Lives Around to convey the diversity of programs and services for men, women and children. The organization has continued to grow with the help of generous donations, grants, staff and volunteers.

In lieu of the 2020 Curchin Open Miniature Golf Tournament for Charity, The Curchin Group is promoting local charities remotely to keep “putting” our best efforts toward the greater good, together from a distance.