Local Charities Selected to Receive Proceeds from 13th Annual Curchin Open Indoor Miniature Golf TournamentAugust 6, 2018

The Curchin Group, LLC, a mid-sized, full-service accounting firm based in Red Bank, N.J., announced today that Aslan Youth Ministries and Ocean of Love, two locally-based nonprofit organizations, will be receiving all proceeds from the firm’s 2018 annual indoor miniature golf tournament for charity, The Curchin Open.
Last year, with the support of over 50 corporate and individual sponsors and dozens of participants, the 12th Annual Curchin Open raised $22,000 for The Arc of Monmouth, based in Tinton Falls, and Breast Intentions, based in Middletown. Since the event began in 2005, the firm has raised more than $177,000.
The event takes place indoors at Curchin’s office in Red Bank on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 4pm to 7pm. Curchin is offering sponsorship opportunities to local businesses that would like to help the selected charities as well as raise their profile in the community. For further information about sponsoring the 13th Annual Curchin Open, please contact Peter Pfister at ppfister@curchin.com or 732-747-0500.
Aslan Youth Ministries
Located in Red Bank, NJ, Aslan Youth Ministries was founded in 1975 to provide relationship-driven programs that impact and empower at-risk youth. The name Aslan is recognized as the central character in C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia series. The organization brings what Aslan, the lion, stands for – compassion, guidance and truth – to the children they serve in New Jersey and Haiti. Aslan’s programs include one-on-one mentoring and tutoring, character development classes anchored in Christian values and principles, recreational activities, summer camps and cultural enrichment programs. “Being chosen as one of the Curchin Group’s charity beneficiaries for their Mini-Golf Event is an honor and will greatly help us accomplish our work with urban, at-risk children in Monmouth County,” said Craig Bogard, Chief Executive Officer. Learn more at aslanyouth.org.
Ocean of Love
Located in Toms River, NJ, Ocean of Love was co-founded in 1998 by Linda Gillick and the late George Goldt and began by assisting 12 families in Ocean County whose children were diagnosed with cancer. To date, OOL has helped over 500 families. As long as children in Ocean County are being diagnosed with cancer, OOL will be there to help. Their purpose is to assist the children through their illness. They provide financial and emotional support so the children can experience the “normal” joys of childhood, knowing their lives are significant and meaningful to each and every one of us. To-date, over 500 families have been helped by their program. “We are so excited to be chosen and are really looking forward to the event,” said Theresa Segui, Ocean of Love’s Director.” Learn more at oceanoflove.org.
For further information about the 13th Annual Curchin Open, please contact Peter Pfister at ppfister@curchin.com or at 732-747-0500.
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